Check the cause and treatment of tonsil cancer and get help in a systematic place

Cells are the basic units that make up our bodies, and very small cells divide to form new ones, and old or damaged ones go through the process of disappearing themselves. Through this, our bodies are constructed stably and perform their functions without any problems. However, when cell abnormalities occur, the number of cells can increase rapidly as abnormal cells continue to divide. As a result, rapidly increasing cells can form tumors, and some of them can progress to cancer.

The tumor is divided into benign and malignant. Benign tumors tend to grow slowly and have no metastasis, making them relatively easy to treat. However, some benign tumors can turn into malignant, so prompt treatment may be required, and other benign tumors can be observed throughout the patient’s life as long as their size does not change.

On the other hand, malignancy is a disease that is difficult to treat because it causes rapid cell growth and metastasis. It is important to detect and treat these tumors quickly, and follow-up observation is necessary because there is a possibility of recurrence even after treatment.

Malignant tumors can occur in various areas. Among them, malignancy in tonsils is known as tonsil cancer, and tonsils are part of the lymphatic system and are located at the entrance to the oropharynx and have a large size. The tonsils are irregular in shape and appear wall-shaped on both sides of the throat. It is also called tonsil ring because it is divided into palate tonsils, pharyngeal tonsils, and lower tonsils depending on its location and has a ring around the oropharynx.

The tonsils play an important role in protecting our bodies from antigens. Problems in this area can cause inconvenience when eating, drinking, speaking, and breathing, and the tonsils are densely packed with lymph nodes, which can lead to metastasis to cervical lymph nodes.

Smoking and drinking are the main causes of tonsil cancer. In smoking, carcinogens in cigarettes can spread from the mouth to the lungs and the whole body through smoke, especially in tonsils.

Drinking has the same effect. Drinking can stimulate not only tonsils but also pharynx, esophagus, and stomach, which can increase the possibility of tonsil cancer. Smoking and drinking at the same time increases the risk of carcinogenesis, so it is recommended to stop smoking and drinking.

Other causes of tonsil cancer include the human papillomavirus. Human papillomaviruses No. 16 and No. 18, commonly known as causes of cervical and skin cancer, play a major role as the cause of tonsil cancer to the extent that they are found in 50% of tonsil cancers. If you are infected with this virus, the possibility of cancer may increase, so if you have any abnormal symptoms, it is recommended to take an examination as soon as possible.If you come to the hospital for tonsil cancer treatment, palpation will confirm the degree of tonsils hardening. If the tonsils feel stiff and a lesion suspected of cancer is found, a biopsy will be performed. Some tonsil tissue can be collected to determine whether it is positive or not.Also, there is a high possibility of metastasis to the cervical lymph node, so we will check whether it has metastasis or not. When diagnosed with cancer, the degree of cancer is determined by imaging tests such as CT and MRI, and the presence or absence of systemic metastasis is confirmed by PET test. Through this process, most tonsil cancers are often in the third or fourth stage. Because tonsil cancer can be prolonged, treatment of tonsil cancer is often delayed.As an early symptom, you may feel difficulty swallowing when you boil food or saliva. Other symptoms may appear such as pain, foreign body sensation, intraoral bleeding, ear pain, and lumps touching the neck. If a malignant tumor in the tonsils invades the mandible bone and periosteum, it may be difficult to move the jaw.Amygdala cancer treatment mainly removes malignancies and infiltrated tissue in the tonsils through surgery. However, since tonsils are an important part of diet and respiration, preservation of functions should also be considered. So surgery can be more complicated to preserve functionality, and in some cases radiation therapy can also be performed.If tonsil cancer has already grown and a problem occurs, it may be difficult to remove it by surgery alone. In this case, additional treatment may require radiation therapy or anticancer chemotherapy. Therefore, you have to make a treatment plan in consideration of the patient’s condition and stage, and you may experience difficulties in this process.Our hospital strives to support the anticancer process of cancer patients. Considering that cancer patients’ physical strength and immunity are greatly reduced, they are trying to improve their immune system and help them recover through immunotherapy or prescription of Forrest pills. Immunotherapy is a way to boost immunity and help activate your own immune system.Previous Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image

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